October 22, 2009

Oct. 19, 2009

Hey Everyone!!!
Gosh time is going by pretty quick. October is more than half-way over. Soon it will be time to make a call for Christmas. Just so you know yesterday was Mother´s Day here in Argentina. I thought about calling my mom but that just wouldn´t be right. I would feel too bad doing that. So we had a bunch of rumors start up again in our branch. They were bad, really bad. There is one member who is talking to all of our recent converts and get this, he told them to not let us in nor talk with us. He also told them they could have the triple combination scriptures because they were new and should only have the Book of Mormon. It´s a big fat mess. What´s even worse is that the District President is thinking about taking him to disciplinary council. I know he´s going to be released from our branch presidency too. It´s terrible. All the rumors are really hurting our poor little branch. Also, we had the 1st counselor of the mission come and do visits with us. He told us that we should STOP baptizing people here even though Pres. Benton is against it. I´m confused that´s all. Our president and zone leaders want us to baptize, I want to baptize, and then we get told not to. BLAH!!! Yeah, that´s just a little tast of the church in Argentina. Nothing can go right.
But hey, life isn´t that bad. I´ll only be here for 4 1/2 more months. I have a suspicion that we might get flashed out of here with all the problems that are going on.
So yeah life is just fine. The mission is always good. I´m a little frustrated because there just isn´t enough time to do everything. We need to do visits in the branch to keep everyone unified and our mission leaders hound us for good numbers. Right now I haven´t found out how to do both really well but it will come around soon.
Well, that´s all from me. Have a wonderful week!
Elder Page

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