March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009

Hello Everyone!!!
So time is flying just as normal and we had our transfer meeting on Monday! Finally I got a change!! I moved to a different area called MorĂ³n 2 (not Moron because there´s an accent). It´s nice not to have to lead the area. I had a good 6 months in La Perlita but it was time for a change. Elder Lee and I ended up with 1 baptism which we did last Saturday the 14th. It was pretty good.
Now I´m with Elder Alvarez, who´s a fake Latino. He´s from Layton, Utah. His parents are latin so he understands and speaks Spanish really well. It´s a nice help when I don´t understand everything. But the language is coming right along. I´m learning more everyday and I´m doing better. It´s getting easier with more study.
So how´s everyone doing with the time change? I don´t know if you all knew but since our seasons are opposite here I got to sleep-in an hour last Sunday. It was really nice. That hour of sleep you guys are losing is what I end up getting! So it´s all balanced out.
Well things are really great! The work is moving forward here. Last transfer our mission set a new record of baptisms with 179 new converts! It was pretty sweet! I´m loving every second of being here and eveything is just fine. I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Page

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