November 25, 2008

Nov. 25, 2008

Hey everyone!
Things are still going pretty swell on the mish. I don´t have anything to complain about! Things are just fine.
I love to talk to everyone here. I don´t understand jack squat but I fake it and then just keep on talking about what I want to say. It´s really funny. My companion and I are really working hard. We´re getting things done and doing a lot of good stuff in our area.
The humidity here is enough to kill someone. Everywhere I go I ask for some water and juice. The people are really nice and always give us something to drink.
We´ve got 2 baptismal dates right now and we´re working for more. The people here are interesting. Sometimes they don´t seem to understand that they need to change. Everyone claims to be true to their Catholic roots but don´t go to church or anything like that. It´s sad to watch people shut down our message. I guess some people just aren´t ready yet.
I have a really funny story for ya´ll...So Elder Sosa and I contacted this lady who said really loudly that she didn´t want to listen to our message (Don´t laugh yet that´s not the funny part). However, there was a guy, a drunk guy, across the street who yelled at us that he wanted to talk to us. We quickly whipped out a Word of Wisdom pamphlet and started talking to him. He was more drunk then I´ll get out! He was slurring his words and everything. He told us he didn´t want a pamphlet and that we should talk to him with our mouths and not with some paper. Then he asked me what my name was. I said, "Elder Page" and he didn´t believe me. I showed him my plaque but then he said, "That´s not a name. What´s your name?" I brushed it off and asked him what his name was. He told me it was, BON JOVI!!! WOW!! I said, "I know Bon Jovi and you´re not Bon Jovi!" Then he continued to insist he was Bon Jovi and I just said he wasn´t. It was so funny!!! Holy crap!
Well, I don´t really have anything else for you all. Everything´s great! I LOVE the mission!! Just remember to keep a strong testimony and don´t let anyone change what you KNOW is TRUE!!
Elder Page

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